Friday, July 16, 2004

third time typing the blog.i am pissed off now.nvm.went home wif wx and fl.went home slack.went out to jec to eat wif clar zp kat and yy.after tat took bus.met jm.funny stuffs.she showed us who was waijin.ok lo.more shuai den me? haha.ya.after tat reach sch.
keng was taking us for the day.siandiao.argh.took bus.yy made fun of her.which was like damn funny but mean.after tat we reached singapore confernce hall.was looking forward to it until i went inside.omg.
we started wif darn-lame-cold-jokes by the conductor stella something.and she continued wif much more lame cold jokes after tat..the singing thing was disastrous.omg.i shalln't name the schs.but really pathetic..the guys.omg.=)
they rock.rushing,out of tune, sing wrongly. omg. pronounce wrongly sometimes also. the whole thing was totally haywire.omg.tabuleytahan.was relieved when it finally all end =) went off.
on the bus.we were all kping keng i guess. especially me yy yh wh and pl..totally kping her.cos she didn't want to listen to us. i mean it wasn't our fault.forget it. she wun believe us anyway. bye.
say want go supper.but i jus go wif em nv eat.den i went home myself.tats sia today. i dun need sco anymore.jokes.bye
-i updated-