Monday, June 14, 2004

My Life
Since nothing much happened...Let's talk about my life in proper english since Secondary 1...No one will read, but it's alright...

Sec One

Came in Commonwealth...The only one from my primary class...Alone in the first day...This happened...Till i got to know more friends... CCA Day...Walking with Weilong.. He made up his mind to go photography.. I didn't know... Walked around...Got the form...Sigh..I ticked... Choir, AVA and Band... They read out the list of choir members... Haha...i wasn't in.. Sad ya? Tze Chee too...We decided to force our way in.. So Mrs Ong wrote our name down... Choir Orientation.. Did stupid stuff... Haha.. Charissa and Jennifer didn't like me at first...Cause i was really fooling around that day...Pissing people off... So did Cuijing, but that was another story...People really dislike me... My results were still okay... C'est La Vie...Finally got to knew more seniors... Australia trip..I went.. With jason,brandon and zihan, my roomates...We got to know more people...People whom we didn't even know were in choir.. Xiao Hui, Yinsing, Trixia... More people.. Cuijing and i finally became friends... I had much more friends now.. With that.. 2002 ended...

Sec Two

Finally, a slightly "known" guy in choir.. Had more friends... Did quite well in choir...Results were already deproving significantly... Haha...Who would have thought.. A 1st position guy in Jurong Primary, topping science in every test... Gets border-lines for all his subjects...Everything was quite okay...Fell in love? Haha... Life goes on... The SYF year... Trained hard for it.. The Sec 1s (Sec 2s this year) were distant from us... We did SYF.. Gold.. Sec 1s finally came to choir with us... Say the truth they sucked... Not cause of them.. But cause of SARS.. The delayed in SYF made them distant from us for 6 months... Long i must say.. Disadvantage for them... They started to take notice, of those who had potential in leading the choir.. ASLs... People were questioning... Jason or me... It was obvious that everyone wanted the post... I really didn't want it... They got me.. Shocked...I nearly cried.. Stress started to come.. The 1st comittee meeting.. I was seriously thinking of quiting it, backing out.. Xiao Hui and guys advised me to stayed... I did... I regretted... I told myself not to be Schumann.. But still, I did.. I flunked the first sectionals.. I knew that people would start to disrespect me and questioned my abilities.. I knew, and they did...

Sec Three

Studies... Totall diasterous.. What can i say... I admit.. I suck at studying.. So did i in choir.. Dropped into Bass.. Thought it might be better.. Nope it didn't it sucked worst... I showed case my disabilities as a Bass SL.. Guess i did well =) Everyone thinks i suck.. What can i do.. It's the truth though.. I can't play piano neither can i sing.. I have to live with that i guess.. People seriously doubt my abilities now... I regret.. If i hadn't listen to Xiao Hui and guys.. I wouldn't be living worrying everyday for fear of sectionals.. Why did i agree.. Questioning myself everytime.. Thank god that Yenyu is helping me for now.. But that can't last long i suppose.. I will still have to depend on myself.. It's difficult.. And now... I have to concentrate on my studies... For what i have promised my parents, teachers, trixia and mr toh.. Good luck to me... Hopefully everything goes well for this year.. I don't want to flunk anything anymore...

-i updated-