Sunday, May 09, 2004

wooHoo~ wTf.. i DidN't sTudY foR tHis twO reuben,simeng and zhaoperng down to westmall..reuben wanted return library i asked whether wanna study..den came me, sm, zp..reuben weren't there yet..noooooo the 3 of us didn't study.. we went to arcarde..lmao..den play while...$2 bucks gone...after tat we called reuben..cos v long le..haha..den he said he took bus back cos he forgot bring library books..funny.. zp went for tuition.lolx..dunno why he came half an hour only..den me and sm go eat lo..the jap food..yum..haha..den reuben came...funny..den he also eat..after tat we walked back to sch the bus stop wanted to go home le..cos no choice..her parents scold..

den left me and nooooooo we didn't study..lmao...we took 188.. where?? chervons...funny..haha..took bus there.. walk a short distance..den went where?? bowling alley...funny.. haha...den we were figuring if enough money..den add here add there...den enough...bought one shoe cos we had no money le..haha..funny..den play lo..saw a few css de rounds all like bullshit..i hate chervons sia..their balls...all put magnet..den i throw all go stuck to the drain..fuck..haha..funny..den something funny happen..i throw the ball..den it went forward.. so did me..lolx..funny.. i fell down..den not much ppl saw..den i fell down le i pretend i sitting there..lolx..funny..den throw another ball..the ball drop at my feet..funny..den i kicked it down..haha..funny..den i throw and my leg go lane funny sia..den played v long..finally found a way of throwing the balls..funny..haha..

after tat we left there..where? go arcarde la..haha..we money for drinks and acarde..funny..den reuben use his dad's cashcard treat me coke.haha..joker sia..den he got 50cents..lolx.. he exchanged it for one the music one..wa..pros...lolx..2 ppl play..everything Fever~! fuNny sia..we so poweR..haha..deN after tat lEft Le...

the funNy pArt!! ok..we the busstop..for like 1 hour stay there ba..sing at there..v nice..haha..cos its domed shape..den reuben do some homework..finally we left..haha..walk..walk towards jec there..den we turn back..funny..walk one big round...walk the bustop lane there..den we turn back..walk back and walk to the mrt lane there..v funny.. we walk alot of times.. to and fro..about 4-5 times ba? hor reuben?funny.. haha..den was singing while walking.. THEORY : when doing something..always try your best..cos while i was listening to the 2002's C'est La Vie Cd from reubens discman..heard all the was really nice lo..i really regretted not doing my best during the concert...singing wif em..should be sort of a honour ba? haha..anyway.after we walk enough le we walk all the way back to jEc..LolX..den we sinG somE bLenDing sTuff.. sO funNY..funnY..haha..den we went 7-11.. reuben treat me drink use cash card again..funny..haha..after tat took bus..met my family for dinner..haha..*says bye bye to reuben from my blog*

weNt foR diNner! lolX.. den i realiSE.. it's their wedding anniversary also...oo they married on mother's cuTE...den aTe bA..afTer tat cAMe hOme..sEe La..haha..go oUt wiF the threE of em no neEd study one..last time also..zZz..tsk tsk..haha..nvm..really had Fun toDay..RocK on mAn..espEciALLY when walkIng wif ReuBEn and SinGinG..coS no One waS loOking at uS..the whole roAd waS emPty..haha.lAlA..had Fun today..thanks to zp,sm and reuben.. tml MT exam..nv stuDy..haha..dIE? oweLL gooD LUck to you All!!!!! hahahhahahahhaha..funny...see ya!!!buAiS!
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